Our vision is that people everywhere will use the power of insulation


Anyone building or renovating a property today should be aiming to minimize energy requirements.  After all, cooling costs need to remain affordable.  Cooling accounts for by far the largest proportion of the energy used in commercial and private households (an average of 60%).  Effective energy-saving practices must therefore always start with the energy required for cooling.


If you start modernizing the cooling system, in any way, you end up with an over sized systems that works hard to compensate for cooling losses through the building envelope.  Subsequently, insulating the building is rather like installing an eight-cylinder engine in a small car.


The first step should be to lower energy losses by installing insulation.  Only then should you plan how to efficiently cover the remaining cooling energy requirements, for example with renewable energies.

Effective insulation lowers cooling bills and is therefore an important step toward no longer being affected by rising energy prices.


Insulation reduces the amount of energy required and keeps cool in rooms.  Interior wall surfaces, ceilings and floors stay in the conditioned temperature and thus prevent the moisture that can allow microbes or mold to flourish.  If your building is insulated, it will achieve a better energy certificate rating.


We imagine a future when this increases the value of your property and makes it easier to rent out and this is not .  In addition to actively helping to protect te climate, insulation pays a key role in significantly reducing the energy consumption and lowering the global CO2 emissions.


If you are planning to renovate, bear in mind that insulation is the first and most important step to energy efficiency!